Friday, October 26, 2007

Playing with Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2

It's been 2 weeks since I installed Visual Studio 2008 Team System Beta 2. But I've only play with this new "toy" since last week. Also this is my second time playing with Team Edition of Visual Studio. I have tried Visual Studio 2005 Team System few months ago, but only for a short time.

My first look of this tools is that the user interface has few changes. The first one is the start page news panes has a little change from the previous version. It's tab has slight change too. Also the toolbox tab and task tab has a slight change in appearance.

My most excitement using this tools, because of its Team System version. I never had a change to play with it, since the software price is high for me to afford, and it seems impossible for my company to buy this software at this moment. The one that I want to try is "code metric" future, and Test project. I've also tried Code Analysis feature, which I still not find useful enough right now.

One of my home little project that I work with this tools is to create a global GDI+ functions and methods that I'd like to use in my future projects. I'm tired of making the same GDI+ functions for each project, even if those are new functions. So I want to shorten my work, by grouping all stuff that I'd need in one library. Seems pretty neat isn't it? With this project, I'd like to explore more about Team System Edition and also the new .NET 3.5 features.

Back to the IDE, finally, VB has improved in its intellisense. Now, it works as C# does. You only need to type a word, then intellisense appeared immediately. Actually, I hope Microsoft would give this feature when they shipped VS 2005 Service Pack 1.

The New Project dialog also has a new appearance. You can target a specific .NET Framework version on your project, although I always choose the newest one. New item dialog has improvement too. Now, items divided in groups. You can view them in groups or view them all.

The menu has different highlighting. I bet they manually draw the renderer. The context menu is the same as well.

There's a new addition in project properties. One that I found just as I read this blog, is UAC settings. I bet this has something to do with Windows Vista UAC. I'll explore more about it when I have spare time in my home (since my office don't have Vista and probably don't want to use it in next few years). Framework targeting can be change here, but it require you to close the solution first.


There's only 4 months until Visual Studio 2008 RTM-ed. So, I guess, it'd be impossible to explore all new stuff. For now, I'll stay in learning how to use Test project. I hope it can go well and I can finish my current home project as well.

Convert Number (Currency) to Word - Part II

On my previous post, I explained how to convert number to word in English language. In this part, I'll explain about Indonesian language.

Basically, there's no big difference between those two languages. In fact, converting to Indonesian is easier than English, because pronunciation rule for Indonesian language is simpler.

There's no change in prefix, except you change English to Indonesian. Single word converter is as easy as prefix. All you have to do is to change their language. Indonesian only have 1 special field for "1" ("Se"), all others will remain same when added a prefix.

The last part is the main function, which is relatively easy too. You only need to add "puluh" and "belas" prefix if needed. The rest can be understand by looking at the code.

You can download the code here. It supports both Indonesian and English .

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Convert Number (Currency) to Word - Part I

On many accounting software, sometimes you need to convert the current number to words. This can be done by make a function which will return a string of number given by input parameter. The function itself actually is very easy to make, if you want basic converting of course. The interesting part is that each developer has unique way to make this algorithm. And because it's wide solution that can be produced, this problem often used by programming courses to make their students understand about algorithm.

To make a good number to word converter, first we must understand how to pronounce those words. In this part, we will make an English converter. Part II will have an Indonesian converter.

Basic Understanding

First rule of converting number is to know the prefix. In English, the common prefixes are hundred, thousand, million, billion, and trillion. I called these by "level". So, we need 5 type of level, right ? Well, not quite right. Actually, we only need 4 type of level. Hundred can be repeated in every level. Ex: 1100 (One thousand one hundred), and 1000100 (One Million One hundred). Now, let's make a function for this level.

Code 1
Private Shared Function EnglishLevel(ByVal level As String) As String
Dim retval As String = ""

Select Case level
Case 0
= "thousand "
Case 1
= "million "
Case 2
= "billion "
Case 3
= "trillion "
End Select

Return retval
End Function

Now me will create a default number to word function. This function will return a string represent the number given in it's parameter. You can see the snippet in code 2.

Code 2

Private Shared Function EnglishNumber(ByVal num As String) As String
Dim retval As String = ""

Select Case num
Case 1
= "one"
Case 2
= "two"
Case 3
= "three"
Case 4
= "four"
Case 5
= "five"
Case 6
= "six"
Case 7
= "seven"
Case 8
= "eight"
Case 9
= "nine"
End Select

Return retval
End Function

Pattern Understanding

Before we make the main function, we should think about the pattern algorithm first and design the function. In this section, I'll explain about how the algorithm works.

The first pattern that you should know, is that within the prefix, the word is repeat them self. Lets see this example: 123,123 (One hundred twenty three thousand one hundred twenty three). Even for 123,123,123; the pattern will be same. All you have to add is only the prefix. By analyze this pattern, we only need a function to define the prefix (which I already add in above), and a function to define the number, and repeat itself. For my solution, I'll use a recursion and playing with reference passing and default math functions.

The second and third patterns are "ty" and "teen" prefix. Some numbers don't change their pronunciations ("sixty"/"sixteen", "seventy"/"seventeen"), but some does change ("fifty"/"fifteen" not "fivety"/"fiveteen"). Luckily, some of those numbers won't have a specific word between "ty" and "teen". Three exceptions are for 10, 11, and 12. Therefore, we should modify our EnglishNumber function from Code 2 in to this.

Code 2 - Revised.

Private Shared Function EnglishNumber(ByVal num As String, _
ByVal special As Boolean) As String
Dim retval As String = ""

Select Case num
Case 1
= "one"
Case 2
If special Then
= "twen"
= "two"
End If
Case 3
If special Then
= "thir"
= "three"
End If
Case 4
= "four"
Case 5
If special Then
= "fif"
= "five"
End If
Case 6
= "six"
Case 7
= "seven"
Case 8
If special Then
= "eigh"
= "eight"
End If
Case 9
= "nine"
End Select

Return retval
End Function

Make Main Function

Finally, all we need is the main function that will be called. Remember that we only need to parse 3 number each prefix, since it will repeat after a prefix was given. For this method, I'll use a recursive approach.

First, we separate hundreds with "\". Second, we will decide whether we need "ty" or "teen". The last one, we will use recursive until we have 3 digits of number.

Additional function that we should add, is the ability to say in either formal English (UK) or non formal English (US). The difference is only the use of "and". In UK, 110 should read "One hundred and ten", while in US, it's ok if you only say "One hundred ten". You can see the code 3 below.

Code 3

Public Shared Function NumberToEnglishWords(ByVal num As Long, _
ByVal level As Integer, _
Optional ByVal Official As _
Boolean = True) As String
Dim retval As String = ""

Dim pInt As Long = num Mod 1000

If pInt > 99 Then
= retval & EnglishNumber(pInt \ 100, False) & " hundred "
End If

= pInt Mod 100

If pInt > 0 And num \ 100 > 0 And Official = True Then
= retval & "and "
End If

If pInt > 19 Then
= retval & EnglishNumber(pInt \ 10, True) & "ty " & _
Mod 10, False)
ElseIf pInt = 10 Then
= retval & "ten"
ElseIf pInt = 11 Then
= retval & "eleven "
ElseIf pInt > 11 Then
= retval & EnglishNumber(pInt Mod 10, True) & "teen "
ElseIf pInt = 12 Then
= retval & "twelve "
= retval & EnglishNumber(pInt Mod 10, False)
End If

If num \ 1000 > 0 Then
If num \ 1000 Mod 1000 > 0 Then
= NumberToEnglishWords(num \ 1000, level + 1) & " " & _
& retval
= NumberToEnglishWords(num \ 1000, level + 1) & retval
End If
End If

Return retval
End Function

That's all. Just call the main function, and it will return the number in string variable. Next part, I'll explain about how to convert number to word in Indonesian Language.

You can download the code here.